Through the RSO activity, our society also supports Slovenian educational and research institutions. We recently donated a laptop to the Faculty of Biotechnology for FPLC control and a computer for FTIR spectrophotometer control.
A FTIR spectrophotometer is used to identify the chemical composition of various substances, both solid and liquid. FTIR spectrometry is based on the interaction of the infrared electromagnetic wave spectrum with the molecules in the analyzed sample. This enables the chemical composition to be determined quickly and reliably, e.g. different foods, materials, etc.
FPLC is a chromatographic system used to isolate target biological macromolecules from complex mixtures. Purified, isolated markomolecules underlie their further analyzes. The FPLC system enables the automated execution of various chromatographic methods that can, for example, isolate various biotechnologically useful enzymes from the cells of living organisms.